
Second Quarter Donation Drive Results!

Written by PJK_Russell | Jul 24, 2017 5:28:35 PM

P. J. Keating's Second Quarter Donation Drive was again a great success in helping raise donations and items in the theme of "Spring Cleaning Time".

Thanks to generous donations by staff P. J. Keating was able to make donations to New Hope, Ginny's Helping Hand and Sophie's Mission, organizations who all do great work providing food, clothing and shoe pantries as well as domestic violence services throughout Massachusetts.

P. J. Keating is proud to assist their community and would like to thank all who donated, contributions totaled over $300 and 200+ items of clothes, shoes, non-perishable foods and a variety of household necessities. Thanks to the generosity and support of all who participated P. J. Keating is able to help provide for these charities doing meaningful work for the people within our State.

We here at P. J. Keating look forward to many more successful months of donation drives ahead and would like to share a Thank You letter from New Hope, Inc to showcase how our employees donations impact their charity and the work they are able to do. Every item helps!