Over the weekend we celebrated all of our CORE award winners for the year of 2017. We made sure to include their families in the festivities too so they can see their loved ones recognized!
We have a saying here at P.J. Keating, that we like to "Make Safety our Family Business." When we leave for work in the morning, our families expect us home safe and sound in the evening. Putting safety first means that everyone gets to go home at the end of the day.
Because our families are so important to us, we invited them to our CORE Award Dinner last Saturday so they could join us in celebrating and honoring their family members who put safety first.
CORE stands for Commitment to Operations Reflecting Excellence in Safety, and it's an award to recognize teams who go above and beyond in regards to safety. We heard about a lot of successful and safe projects with 0 incidents and we hope to have even more next year!
Our 2018 CORE Award winners who were recognized over the weekend are...
For the Acushnet Stripping Project, January 15 2018 - March 8th, 2018 : Joe Ryan, Doug Fredette, Jim Imlach, Gilly Mello, Barry Costa, Dale DaCosta, John Viega, Pete Szala
For the Acushnet Hydroset Cylinder Replacement Project in : Justin Vieira, Ken Viera
For the Lunenburg Asphalt Drum Installation in : Eric Morin, Brian Contois, Gary Savoie, Jay Valliere, Mike Reynolds, Dan Richard
For the Acushnet Rubber Plant Set-up and Start-up in : Bruce Miranda, Claudio Moco, Shawn Fournier, Mike Reynolds, Kevin Bailey, Mike Bulcamino, Jonathan Souza, Bryant Ribeiro, Kyle Waite, Mike Letourneau.
For the Lunenburg QC Sample Rack Improvements : Kaitlyn LeBlanc, Gary Savoie, Dan Zeppenfeld.
For the Emergency Rt 84 Bridge Deck Repairs: Brandon Rudik, Don Magoon and Gianni Diaz.
For his Implementation of a "Golden Lute, Golden Shovel Award": Andrew Clark
For Safety Excellence and his dedication to Driver Training": Dan Jockell
For the Lunenburg Shop 5S's": Damon Brown, Craig Thibault, Evan Arraial, John Silva, Ken Hart
and a special Safety Excellence award was awarded to Patricia Ferreira for always being a fantastic point person for safety, and looking out for all she interacts with!
Congratulations to all, we hope 2019 will be just as safe and successful!